Problem area
During imprinting of patterns from a stamp onto a substrate surface, conformal contact is necessary to ensure that pattern transfer is successful over the entire stamp. However, such contact is hindered by the initial angular misalignment between the surfaces. In real systems, this misalignment is inevitable and arises due to the two surfaces being non-parallel. Thus,
At present the joints that help to convert motion up to or more than 3DOF are universal joint, ball and socket joint, Hooke’s joint etc. But these joints are not rigid to convert the motion and the tilted angle is also too low. To overcome this difficulty the following gear system may help.
The conventional coil winding machine winds copper wire onto a former (winding fixture). The number of slots in the former depends upon the design class of the motor. Mechanical counters are used to count the number of turns wound up on the former.
The main objective of the proposed system is to rescue the infants who accidentally fall into the bore well due to improper maintenance at the digging spot.
Our project is a solution for improving the present form of ‘Baggage handling system’ at airports. The main objective of our project is to create a system which is error free (zero error probability) and is faster than the present system.
For this we are promoting use of RFID tags on baggage and tickets instead of barcode tags.
The project deals with the development of a home automation system.
Watching the market I recognized that the common so called smart home seems to be nothing more than a collection of devices which are remotely controlled by your smartphone.
In times when local authorities have more control over your smartphone than you,
Parenting is not an easy task. Good parenting requires the parent to quickly respond to the needs of their child. Constant monitoring of the child also becomes a necessity, especially up to an age of 18 months. In earlier days, parents relied on hearing the cries of their child. It was simple back in the day,
Advanced Monitoring and Diagnostics (AMD) is a modular real-time on-line advisory knowledge base (KB) developed using Gensym's G2 . AMD is designed for application to continuous processes typified by refineries and chemical plants. It is an expert system based on first principles and principles of control which differentiates it from traditional heuristics based expert systems.
The development was done as a project to increase the efficiency and productivity of specimen treatment. In this project, a novel surface modification technique was introduced.
BEELIEV is an impact driven technology company on a mission to promote, develop, and implement a practical solution to one of the world's most challenging economic and humanitarian problems; the price of pavement. With the ability to efficiently deliver cargo without reliance on roads,
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