For several years, research and technology development has been under way to capture electroencephalographic (EEG) signals, process and interpret them to implement a brain-computer interface, or BCI (Brain - Computer Interface). In the first years when these works were developed,
Today science does not have the right point of view on the role of a brain in our body.
It is easy to see. If isolated senses did not have information about surrounding events which lead them to change its conditions, they cannot supply that information to a brain for processing.
Taking vision as an example, but that can also be applied to any other data gathering devices, the main problem lies in trying to deal with variability and complexity of inputs. The system states are way beyond any a priori memorization and classification,
Nowadays, due to the impact of the inventions and innovations, various methods are adopted for the controlling of home appliances. Particularly, they are designed for the elderly people and also for the ill. In some cases many advanced systems are constructed for the physically disabled people.
I have developed a mobile robot with sensors and controls that can be manipulated via a web browser from multiple locations simultaneously. An on board webcam with Pan/tilt provides the teams with live video and audio feedback. There are 4 teams located at 4 different schools participating in a mission.
The noise reduction system is made up of two concrete hollow tanks. These tanks are built around machines such as stamping presses which have a high degree of noise pollution. In order to counteract this the tanks are filled with water and a blower is used to create bubbles in it by blowing air.
Combining a traditional building material (ceramics) with a new fabrication technique (3D printing) to re-think an ancient building component (bricks), this project demonstrates how 3D printers can become portable, inexpensive brick factories for large-scale construction. Bricks are an ancient building component and their fabrication has seen several innovations throughout history;
Mini shield – surprise battering tool
Many banks, gas stations, fast food drive throughs, and check cashing businesses are now protecting their employees with plexi glass ballistic protective shields. Why don't students, shoppers, joggers, restaurant eaters have protection?
American interstates account for ~23% of all passenger miles traveled a year, ~$82.5 billion in consumer gasoline purchases, ~$66 billion in federal and state construction and maintenance, ~$82.5 billion in vehicle depreciation and ~6,000 deaths a year.
Proposed Solution:
Install 'light' rail on the interior lanes of different sections of the US interstate network,
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