Current structural architecture of composite aircraft fuselages, although more advanced, functional and lighter then metallic fuselages designed decades ago, still imply a set of important disadvantages and deficiencies from the perspective of fuselage design, manufacturing, testing, assembly, transport, maintainability, exchangeability, reusability, monitoring, etc.
I want to create a dream world, I want to make every person and race in the whole wide world equal and united by making all humans equally good looking and equally intelligent.
In an attempt to improve upon the ideas originally proposed by Dr. Robert L. Forward in his article: Starwisp: An Ultra – Light Interstellar Probe (J. Spacecraft, Vol. 22, No. 3, May – June 1985, PP. 345 – 350),
ECE is an external combustion thermal engine with no moving parts.
Through thermal cycles of free-electrons in metal or semiconductor, ECE converts thermal energy directly into electricity in high efficiency.
Potential applications of ECE can be:
1. Range extender for electric vehicles (EV).
DelfJet is an emergency water scooter special created for lifeguards. The idea of this project started from the need to save the lives of people in danger of involuntary drowning, and to shorten the time of the emergency intervention in these situations.
In usage emission free hybrid motorcycle where the vehicle is moved with hydraulic pressure, which again is produced by electric-motor-driven hydraulic pump. After first simulations this system would achieve >8h autonom net driving time withot need to fill either electric accu or hydraulic accu.
Traditional rice cultivation system is very expensive and a labor intensive cumbersome procedure. Initially to raise the seedlings itself……..one has to take extra care for preparation of the seedling growing bed, sowing of seeds, weeding, uprooting, caring, storing and lots more. Transplantation is another giant problem.
Enduralock's creative spirit in aerospace engineering has brought to existence a proprietary portfolio of never-before-seen fastener technologies –
Now all over the world, the water crisis is a big problem for us .After treatment, use of waste water is necessary. If we can re-use the waste water of toilet of train, so it will be truly conservation of water.
At first,
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