The problem being solved:
A collection of common types and sizes of wrenches (Standard, Flexible, S-Shape, Half Moon, etc.) are needed to safely tighten or loosen a fastener and without damage to the fastener. Such a collection of wrenches can become quite large. Accordingly,
This is portable, light and compact. The Prefect Press will allow you to iron your garments while still on the hanger. No more getting out the ironing board, or having to find a flat place to iron. The design is simple.
This is a remote-controlled platform that is currently in use as an aid in outdoor heavy work. With a track drive for extreme traction and maneuverability, from a distance it is easily controlled.The machine is capable of driving a lawn mower over difficult and dangerous terrain.
The Photo Opportunity Device would allow those who are unable to operate a camera due to physical limitations, the ability to do so. This device is extremely portable at a lowered height of around fifteen inches with a diameter of around four inches.
In this summary I try to briefly introduce the problem and a design for cheap photonic logic circuit proofing.
The problem.
Photonic Computing is the use of light to do computation. Via intensity modulating laser sources in order to get a binary representation of info onto a carrier.
I am an undergraduate student. I often work with computers but the thing is I hate to type the materials or assignment, class notes, permission letter etc. and the book author will write the book and then they prepare a digitized book by approaching any publication.
The main theme behind this idea is to develop a self chargable mobile device that works on the phenomenon of piezo electricity.
Working principle:
We know that whenever a stress is being applied on the peizo electric transducer,
The “Pillow Purifier”© is a semi-automated device for cleaning and sanitizing pillows. Bacteria, viruses, dead skin, saliva, oils, hair chemicals, fungi, dust mites and their feces, are among the common items found on the surface and within pillows when a guest is spending the night in a hotel.
One of the most common problem bikers face, especially mountain bikers, is when one/both tires become deflated. This kind of problem is faced by avid/seasonal bikers. The Pump Integrated Mountain Bike (PIMB) addresses this type of issue. PIMB, from its name,
The PIN Access Biologic-Biometrics Snapshot Profile is a global healthcare intervention system for improving the efficiency and quality of healthcare, saving lives, time and money, eliminating or reducing decades of fear and risk a doctor or local person or foreigner in any location worldwide, routinely living,
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