
NASAs Kennedy Space Center has developed a novel method for the in situ removal of PCBs found in sediment systems. The technology consists of a redeployable polymer blanket that attracts and absorbs PCBs. Seeking to avoid the pitfalls of current methods for handling PCB-contaminated sediments, NASA researchers developed a two-step approach for removing and treating the PCBs.
MESSAGING: It is a revolutionary app that will transform the whole social networking world. it is called slog (Soundlogging) and this will enable the user of this app to send sound notes to any of his phone contacts using this app and this is just a part. Also along with emojis it will consist of oneliners,
Improvement of energy efficiency and ecological cleanliness of internal combustion engines with spark ignition is a task of vital importance and alternative fuels are one of the ways to solve it. Many researches and tests conducted by various institutes all over the world revealed advantages of different alternative fuels, unfortunately, alongside with disadvantages.
The person who is visually and physically impacted can use this device for his peaceful living. It actually works on the principle of binary coding with a microcontroller interface. It’s just like a glove. The binary code is assigned to a particular task and the code is decoded and it is fed to microcontroller.
This is an attempt to lift water by using a piston cylinder assembly beneath a speed breaker on road. The ‘IN’ line of the cylinder will be connected to a reservoir on ground and ‘OUT’ line will be connected to a reservoir at a particular height with respect to the ground. The piston head will receive the vehicle tire.
There are certain areas within a city which require better safety systems when it comes to driving. Residential areas and schools for example feature a high pedestrian activity which increases the risk of accidents. In order to do that, speed limiters have been installed on the road,
SpeedoMAX relates to a height adjustable speed bump that is designed specifically for controlling the speed of vehicles as well as an entry barrier when used for blocking restricted areas. It comprises a portable body which can be elevated depending upon the usage as a speed bump or a barrier and can be set up or removed easily.
Enviromental and economical issues render the need for highly efficient universal source of mechanical power most urgent. The most efficient way to convert thermal energy to useful work is to fuel inside engine's cylinder, and highly efficient and clean thermodynamic processes for producing hot high pressure gases, like detonation,

The average household has 4 or more devices that need remote controls. With an average of 40 buttons each this adds up to 160 buttons to choose from. Do we really need all these buttons when all we want to do is watch TV, play a movie or listen to the radio?
Recently, wind turbines have been growing in size and complexity and blades have grown to be larger than 80 ft in length and weigh 40 tons, submitting them to stronger loads. Now they are being deployed offshore, looking for steadier and stronger winds.
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