
Erratic power supply is one huge factor limiting advancement in education in the developing world especially in rural environments, taking its toll in the area of basic experiments in sciences, engineering and technology.
Laboratory Bench Power supply is a common electrical/electronic power unit found in laboratories.
Solar Heating System
Heating is the largest energy expense in homes and that is up to 50% of annual energy bills. Reducing your energy use for heating provides the most effective way to reduce your home’s contribution to global environmental problems.
India has tremendous scope of generating solar energy and so India’s innovators have proven that ordinary people are indeed capable of extraordinary inventions. Mr. Manoj Gattani, who currently works with Inventive Clean Energy Technologies Pvt Ltd, has recently comes up with his new invention where large amounts of electricity can be saved by using solar energy in AC.
The invention consists of converting at least one of the interior ventilation grills to use solar power to power a fan to draw heat from the vehicle in the effort to lower the internal passenger compartment temperature as well as create airflow. Using solar power separates the energy required so there is no concern of draining a car battery.
Poor farmers from around the world need affordable ways to pump underground water to irrigate their crops, so they can feed their families and earn income. To respond to this challenge, we present a low-cost and low-maintenance steam pump powered by solar heat.
Since the 17th century,

In recent years the use of Solar Reflective Pigments (SRPs) in high performance coating applications such as aerospace, metal roofing, and architectural paints has been growing. SRPs are mixed metal oxide (MMO) pigments that are fade-resistant, inorganic pigments available in several colors.
Solar energy is the origin of most forms of energy. This energy can be made use of in two ways: the thermal route, i.e., using heat for drying, heating, cooking or generation of electricity or through the photovoltaic route which converts solar energy into electricity that can be used for numerous purposes such as lighting,
This project was inspired by the overwhelming number of new 'innovative' products on the market. So may gadgets and gizmos exist to help us with everyday menial problems, we often forget to appreciate the things around us. I decided to focus my project within the bathroom,
Solid drug delivery device for pediatric use
Clinicians, patients, caregivers, and society as a whole, place high value on pediatric clinical care. These innovative, conveniently administered, and high-quality pediatric products can spell the difference between successful treatment of a pediatric patient or failure. Poor drug adherence is often due to poor organoleptics of orally administered drugs.

First we made a fire-proof cabin that layer fill with air in an airplane as like swimming tube. Cabin is made from fire-proof cloth material. Inside the cabin, a belt is attached to the cabin wall like roller coaster belt. This belt helps to prevent any harm to passengers.
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