Consumer Product Design

Science and technology are rapidly evolving, creating a daunting entrance barrier in the face of young students. Frequently, K-5 teachers are ill-equipped and uncomfortable in teaching STEM subjects. Coupled with this, many children grow up in families where their parents have an aversion towards STEM, propagating a negative perception of it.

Background: Swimming pool drownings are one of the most feared threats to our children. Globally, the highest drowning rates are among children 1–4 years, followed by children 5–9 years of age. Eighty-seven percent of drowning fatalities happen in home pools and spas for children under five. Regardless of the statistics, pool drownings are a threat to all ages.
Whatever the reason for departing one's immediate environment for an area less frequented, as a vacation or escape from unfortunate events, a truly standalone habitat is most desirable. Welcome the MOG solar boat (Marine Off Grid)tm.
Autonomous is a word that describes the Totally Electric Powered Solar (TEPS)tm MOG boat.
Acoustic Guitar Amplification is a very big industry right now. Many country singers, as-well-as Rock Star Electric Guitarists are coming back to the acoustic--for that pure and natural acoustic guitar sound. But the quest for that 'Pure Sound' has hit a wall--they can't find it-- the sound they are looking for,

Vision X is a voice-based smart glass for people with complete blindness. The glass uses a set of high-definition cameras for image processing and a LIDAR sensor for distance measurement. It uses a custom Soc processor optimized for faster image detection. The smart glass is connected to smartphones but it can work independently with limited features.
Joystick, a video game controller designed for gamers who entertain us through their streams.
So the important thing which drives me to design this product is "The Ergonomics." We know the Gaming community is the industry that has benefitted the most in these days since the Pandemic.
In this fan prototype small magnets with strong flux are placed in a circular pattern by a support. The copper coils are wound on every fin of the fan. When the fan starts to rotate there will be a change in magnetic flux between the coil and the magnet that is supported. So that a induced current is produced.

Wireless power based on the Qi standard has established itself as the preferred technology for charging mobile devices in cars, homes, and common spaces worldwide. A broad ecosystem of thousands of interoperable devices has been built over the years, and the majority of OEMs now include wireless charging stations in their vehicles.
The general purpose of the paintbrush grip is to improve the manner in which a paintbrush is held and used. When used on a paintbrush, it allows for optimal alignment of the joints of the fingers, and thumb and positions the paintbrush close to the axis of movement of the user’s hand at the user’s wrist joint.
The aim is to design and develop a smart module that can provide possibilities for usage in personal health and asset monitoring, wearables, and smart homes. The Smart modules will be developed with RSL10-SENSE-GEVK as the core component connected to a custom-made mobile application via BLE for external access, monitoring, and control.
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