SolarAir Cylinder (SAC) - Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Units - provide Clean MW Electricity Production
SAC is designed to cleanly, affordably and efficiently charge EV batteries on highways and in other locations.
Where would this idea be applied?
The illustrated dancing snowman is a simple mechanism that combines articulation and side shift to provide adjustable on-the-go variable head and body motion to an inflatable yard decoration.
What problem does your design idea solve?
Most holiday yard decorations are static or systematically articulating.
RSangoma is computerized application. The name RSangoma is derived from a word Sangoma which is a traditional healer. Here RSangoma is a short hand notation for a real medical doctor. Many times, especially in Namibia, people settle with illnesses due to lack of access to suitable medical doctors and sometimes also due to lack of medications in government hospitals.
Carapace suit for motorcycle riders to minimize damage to their body in case of accident
The number of fatalities involving motorcycle riders is untenable.
The motorcycle helmet provides some protection but is insufficient to reduce the damage to the rest of the body.
The design idea aims to address several problems. Firstly, it tackles the underutilization of agricultural waste, specifically rice husk ash, in developing countries like Nigeria. By using rice husk ash as a filler in composite materials, the project helps reduce environmental pollution and associated health hazards caused by the disposal of rice husk ash. Additionally,
Project Proposal: Third Generation Precision Space Flight and Landing Systems
Our project aims to explore and evaluate a novel third generation of flight systems that go beyond the concepts of birds and airfoils, enabling precision space flight and landings using collapsible thruster-foils. By combining nature-inspired systems and morphologies with large area addressable array microthrusters,

Sylves is a compact autonomous shared mobility. The intent of this concept is to aid in a strong assistance to public transportation system in urban scenario. The focus mainly lies on application of green and sustainable technology. Sylves is an autonomous vehicle navigating with the help of GPS systems. The concept utilizes two different types of Energy systems, viz.
The project is about a camera that can recognize and distinguish stray animals, and a feeding unit that can recognize lost animals with this camera and notify the relevant people, and its working method.
In particular, the project is about a feeding unit with artificial intelligence,
A new wind turbine rotor featuring greater wind transparency and simplified blade shapes. Such forms make it possible to arrange the production of blades of large wind turbines without the use of manual labor. Usually, due to the complex profile of the blades, which have a variable width and twist along the blade,
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