Sustainable Technologies
Daylight optimizer is self-adjusting roof panelling technology to maximize (or optimize) the amount of day-lighting throughout the day inside a building.
The science of daylighting design is not just how to provide enough daylight to an occupied space,
This preliminary design is based in our aim to irrigate the Peruvian coastal desert, via desalting sea/brackish/RH water captured in brines and/or preserving seasonal water were evapotranspiration is very high. All these are salty solutions that need to be convertedt to usable water.
Water is something that we here in Canada take for granted, yet nearly 1 billion people across the globe don’t have access to safe and clean drinking water due to cost, contamination and climate change.
In both the chemical and mechanical pulping process, the logs are cut into wood chips by a cone shape tool before fiber separation. To make the wood chopping process more efficient, one has to investigate in detail the coupling between process parameters and the quality of the chips.
Three important factors guarantee the performance of a generation chain of renewable energy are their efficiency, production cost and simplicity of the control algorithm to achieve a practical implementation in real time. Thus,
This project for community services represents the designing and development of an alternate excavator arm which can be used without the electric supply or by consumption of fuel at a consistent turn.
Design and construction of the dielectric cell
• A parallel plate dielectric cell developed using 3D printing, Laser cutting and traditional machining techniques.
• Electrodes (guarded and unguarded) and threaded rod obtained from aluminum rod using traditional machine techniques.
A new technology that can combust, gasify or pyrolyze solids, liquids and sludges and divide the process into multiple stages and manage each stage of conversion for optimum results and “engineer”
Passenger vehicles and different types of administering material companies produce pollution and contribute significant amounts of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and other harmful chemical pollutions. On record since 2013 to this present time has tripled the effect of an under balanced eco system,
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