Increasing level of AWARENESS while eliminating distraction originated in a control related activity such as vehicle's SPEED MANAGEMENT, by keeping the eyes focused on the road.
Actual speed limit for any section of the road is received in real time by a device on-board,
The project is all about modifications to be done in an f1 car.
1.Innovative points of view:
-Using shock absorbers in inverted position which can be used as automatic jack &
Innovation: The Department of Energy is on record stating that transpired solar collectors (TSC) are in the top 2% of all inventions, ever. Solarwall is the grandfather of all TSC. Sunreps' fabric transpired solar collector (FTSC) is 4-6 time less expensive than the metal collectors.
The project is specifically designed and fabricated for the convenience of physically challenged people who are disabled by their legs.
As in this date there are many options for transportation available for physically challenged persons like, Motorised wheel chair, Hand powered tri-cycle, Scooters..
Fencing Automation Machine(FAM)
Machine for Erecting/Fixing Paling Planks to a Pre-Erected Wooden Fence Frame
My proposal is to Design & Build a machine or “Automation/Tool – The FAM” to help & aid a fence builder, Construct Paling Type Fences in quite varying terrains.
Hydrogen plays a major role in future fuel needs. There is not much difference between an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) that runs on hydrogen, compared to an ICE that runs on petrol/gasoline in terms of functioning. The main advantages would be better efficiency and low emission levels, provided,
Being able to adjust airfoil profile within flight
-By means of fluid pressure being pumped into hexagonial chambers inside a flexible skin covering a standard wing structure each individual cell has its own valve and pressure sensor fluid being used is jet fuel as to keep total component
Data acquisition has become widely available to specific applications in the consumer space, most prominently fitness. The data collected from fitness watches helps athletes optimize their training and adds to the competitive nature of sports. For example, cyclists don't only compare elapsed time but also power, heart rate, cadence,
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