Sustainable Technologies
Major utilities see Renewable Energy (RE) power sources such as small-scale wind and solar installations as a threat because the produced energy is not controlled.
Dynamo High-Tech Highways:
The main aim of this "Dynamo High-tech highways" is to generate the power through high speed air flow striking the turbine of the generator placed on the dividers of the highways,
1. Economic wood stove - Single stove method
2. Economic wood stove - Single stove method with water boiler (steamer)
3. Economic wood stove - working procedure of a stove with three uses
Organic garbage decomposes, smells and needs to be collected often, transported, land filled or incinerated. Cities are looking for low cost green waste disposal! Urban wastes is an unsolved global problem costing huge money & pollution!
Concept &
Most homes have only one thermostat, so they operate like a house with only one light switch. Everything is either on or off. That leaves some rooms boiling hot while others are freezing cold. It’s uncomfortable, and it’s inefficient. ecovent fixes that problem.
Efficient energy extraction from tides, estuaries, rivers, and other shallow water movement has not yet been feasible. Also, a system for this application should be fish friendly. The machine planned uses a 4 blade horizontal turbine impeller which has the flow entering from the side at any radial direction,
USA EPA and other countries’ environmental authorities are requiring a greater reduction of the total contaminants including dust, ash, NOx and SOx levels for all non-natural gas applications such as diesel, furnace, boiler and turbine emissions.
Energy From Space Systems aka, Space Solar Power refers to the concept of a space system that collects solar power via photovoltaic & mirrors then transmits it to ground collection stations using visible or microwave radiation. Most important to me &
Speed breakers are used to slow down the vehicles when they approach a crossing or an area which emphasises pedestrian safety. On seeing a speed bump, driver driving vehicle at high speed applies friction brakes to decelerate. As the vehicle rolls over the speed bump,
for evaluating a breakthrough innovation from the view point of the environment. Sometimes an innovation would be declared a breakthrough from a business angle. But later in the product life cycle, it may reveal its wrong impact on the environment, after the corporation invests money and effort.
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