Neeraj Abhang
Power to Every Soul on Earth
Ranjit Abhyankar
Adaptor for Clean Drilling
Intelligent Baby Monitor and Pacifier
Stephen Aboasu
Solar Tracking Window Unit
Suad Abu Hameed
Natural Cream for Cracked Heels
Production of Biodeisel from New and Waste Oil
Vaayusastra Aerospace Pvt Ltd
Helium Drone
Pooja Agarwal
Disk Shaped Hand Grenade
Portable Dryer for Clothes
Abas Ahmad
Design of Emergency Steering System for Heavy Duty Trucks
Tahir Ahmad
Vehicle to Cloud (V2C) Remote Management of Electric, Hybrid and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging
Heart Monitoring and Heart Attack Prediction Using ECG Signals
Sally Ahmed
Ultra-low Power Compact Re-programmable Digital Circuits Using Micro-electromechanical Resonators
Nicholas Ajana
Green Treasures - Conversion of Waste Tyres and Polymers into Paving Bricks/Slabs
Dr Basheer Al Azirjawi
New Design Solution for Crankshaft
Alexandre Alcaraz
MEUSOL - Modular Enclosed Unit of Solar Optimized Light
William Alek
Improve the Efficiency of Growing Plants
Patricia Alexander
Sturdy Girl - Dolly/Collapsible Table with Exchangeable Tops
James Aliberti
Personal Artificial Intelligence Medical Assistant (PAIMA)
Esraa Aljohari
BIOO2|Algae Bio-Integrated System
Ryan Alkhalil
Energy From Earth
Alshimaa Alriyami
Pre-Donation Blood Chair (PDBC)
Role Alvarez
Foldable OLED As Classroom Blackboard and Digital/Electronic Pen as Chalk
Ardalan Amiri
Enhancing Rock Penetration Efficiency by a Novel Bio-inspired Drill
Houssem Eddine Amor
Miniaturized Batteryless and Wireless Monitoring Unit
Masatada Araki
Ductile Ceramic
Richard Arm
Synthetic Living Human
Ricardo Arteaga
Autonomous UAS with ADS-B and Artificial Intelligence
Shubham Avhad
Safety Switching System
Ahmad Azzam
Diabetic Wound Healer
Eranna B
ABHAY QUADCOPTER ( Gun Mounted Quadcopter)
SOLAR ROBO WARBLER (Solar Flapping Wing Robotic Bird)
Sandeep B
Dough Rolling Machine
Tanmay Badhan
Holographic Lenses
Matthew Bailey
Haptic Traffic Location for Motorcycles
Ashwin Balasundaram
Autopilot System for Anesthesia
Beyza Baran
Cancer Biopsy Brush
Carlos Barrera
State of the Art Novel Tech Featured Project Development Space Power-Plant Self-Feed Unit Generator: H2O => HHO => H2O => HHO
Christopher Barrett
Hydrospike Propulsor, Distributed Propulsion System for Maritime Vessels
Gautam Narayan Baruah
A Low Cost Overunity Machine that Enables Warp Drive, Feasible Time Travel, Teleportation
A Time Reversal Device
A Sensitive Handheld Radiation Sensor
Sharayu Battuwar
Adsorption of Refueling Emission by Activated Charcoal
Jasper Baur
Detecting Plastic Landmines
Mohamed Salah Bchir
MSB Hovercraft
Marielies Becker
Braiding Technology Based Stent Concept for Endoluminal Usage in Coronary Bifurcations
Adam Berenty
Wasted Heat Ammonia Auto Air Conditioning
Fluid Dynamic Generator
J Berkyto
ZED Ultra-high Efficiency Fuel Engine
Christopher Beskar
Stavatti SM-150 Next Generation Sportplane
Uddhab Bharali
Smart Shoe Weeder
Tanmay Bhise
Aircraft Nerds Deep Stall Recovery System
Harshal Bhore
Cost Effective Go Kart
David Bingham
Worm Gear Fishing Reel
John Blincow
Spaceport Construction
Alan Bodner
Development of Underwater Breathing System for Humans Based upon Separation of Dissolved Air from Water
Bernie Bon
ADDS (At Depth DeSalinization)
Hyper4 - High Efficiency Engine
Walter Bonin
Circular Engine
Brian Boyle
SSOLAEROS: Stratospheric Solar Aerostatic Omnifunctional System
Dow Brain
Catch-all Harvest System
Martin Bremer
Waste to Energy Efficiency
Talla Brian Monde
Serial IP Phone
Charlie Bright
Continuously Controllable Diesel Fuel Injector
Pierre Brisson
Plant Protection
Hector Brito
Rectification of Anomalous RAMA Thrusting Effects
Matthew Brody
Turbine Upgrade for Commercial Jet Engines
Joseph Brooks
Slotted Waveguide Antennae Stiffened Structures (SWASS)
Joanne Brown
Palletizing Gripper
Robert Brown
Spacecraft Hydraulic Torch Jump
Denis Buffet
Hybrid Vehicle of Series- Parallel Type with a Low Power Electric Chain which is Compatible with the 48V Voltage
Osmond Bullen
A Smart Point of Care Human Blood Analysis Device
Ahmed Busnaina
An Automated System for Printing of Nano and Microscale Electronics and Sensors
David Byram
Carry On Luggage Verifier
Kevin Cameron
Wandering Threads - Virtualizing SMP
M Campbell
Vehicle Poison-To-Fuel ConverterTM
Frank Cantin
Frebird Magnetic Ecosystem
Keith Carlock
Light-Interface System, Invisibility (Adaptive Camouflage) and Holodeck (Virtual Immersion) Theory
The Lenticular Box
Invisibility/Holodeck Cube Tabletop Experiment Proof of Concept
David Carr
Packman Carr Polarized Railgun Motor
Shawn Casey
mSlide - Digital Pathology and Medical Diagnosis Network
Dr. Chris Castel
CareWear Wearable Light Therapy
Brandon Casutt
The Hydro Sub
An Upgraded Airfoil Wing, the Magfoil Wing
Rastislav Ceresna
MULTIVODE™ – Multi-layer Irrigation and Fertilizing Composite
Brent Chase
Products for Autism Lifestyle (PAL) - a Gaia Wearables Subsidiary
Elias Chavez Monarrez
There Will be A Day with No More Fear, No More Pain
Mohd Norzaimi Che Ani
Emergency Seat Belt
Yun An Chen
Circu Waste
Oil Bubble
Mahesh Choudhari
Digital Bus System
John Clark
VForce® Green Clean Game Changing Technology
Gary Cola
Automotive Stampings: Stronger than Titanium, Lighter than Aluminum to Make Vehicles >100lbs Lighter
Jim Colthart
Forest Waste to Hydrocarbons
Barry Connelly
Bio-Grid Antimicrobial Ceiling
Luiz Costa
Opti-Mizer - Actuation Systems Design Optimization Tool
William Coviello
Extinguishing High Temperature Fires
Carlyle Creger
Dental Floss Lock Handle
Device and Method for Leveling Tile
Eric Crews
Baxter Automotive Motor System Perpetual Motion
Luca D'alessandro
Phononic Vibes
Espen Hvidsten Dahl
Revolutionary, Eco-friendly and Non-toxic Glueless Bonding Technology to Replace Environmentally Challenging Adhesives
Mark Daly
Reusable Warming/Cooling Pack for Electricity-free Vaccine Refrigeration or Warming
Noah Darwiche
Counter Rotating Fan for Hyperloop and Bullet Train Vehicles
Creating the Future with Hyperloop UC
Sean Defeudis
Runway or Tarmac F.O.D. Reduction Robot - Save Jets
Steampunk Orbital Reentry Method - Hypothesis Only
Motorcycle Proximity Sensor - Manufacturer App by Law
Powertube by Sea, Land, Powerline, Pipeline, etc. - Light Passengers or Mail
In-person or Robo Lawn Care & Bailing for Export or Farm Food
Compass Controlled Patrol or Leisure Hot-Air Balloon or Modification
Eric Degolier
Body Rocket Real-Time Aerodynamic Drag Measurement
Durga Devi
Automatic Gas Booking and Leakage Detection using Embedded Systems with Safety Guards
Sachchidanand Dhar
Backward Roll Preventing Ratchet in Automobiles
Emil Donkov
Micro Grid Wind Generator
Suraj Dubey
The concept ESP (Energy Saving Pod)
Hai Minh Duong
Aerogels from Environmental Wastes for Novel Engineering Applications
Alex Dworzanczyk
Pelican: A New Approach to Fueling Space Exploration
Khaled Elnems
(E-Safety Glasses) Safety Electronic Protection Glasses
Sun Printer by Mobile
E-Rain Gates (Smart Storm Water Inlets Gate)
Noriel Estipular
Urban Living Generator: Sibol Project of Algae 360 Degrees Photobioreactor Windows
John Ettridge
Rotary Wing Flying Drone
John Evans
Publiic Transport Safety Restraint System
Dimitris Farros
Drone Firefighting
Clifford Fava
IFR Training Aid
Digital Camera Adapter
Fernando Figueroa
STEHO Energy Saving System
Jeremy Fisher
Torque Converter Clutch Manual System
Randall Flann
RoFo Ice Hockey Puck BevDisHeadgear Beverage Dispenser
Robert Frantz, Dmed.
Precious Car-Go [TM] Hot Car Death Prevention Alert
Claudio Freitas
IoT Water Control Management (WCM)
Ken Furlich
Adaptive Sun Shield
Shanmugha Sundaram G A
MEMS Wind Turbine Array and Scalable Power Generation Unit for Facile Deployment on Urban Infrastructure
Jay Gabrelcik
Improved Rotor Balance Process
Jean Pierre Gallo
Mantaraya Project
Abanob Gamal
New Device Extracts Plant Active Ingredient in One Step Instead of Four Devices
Somnath Garai
Prevent Falling of Car from Hilly Road
Saving Boats from Sinking due to Waves from River & Sea
Prevent Death of Wildlife (Animals) from Train Accidents When Crossing Rail Lines at Night
A Method of Preventing Ocean Low Air Pressure and Cyclones/Hurricanes
Vikrant Garud
Shape Memory Based Sensor Integrated with Oil Filling Cap or Dipstick for Online Engine Oil Condition Monitoring System
John Gaudreault
Box-less, Omnidirectional and Full-Range Speaker
Yashaswi Gautam
Apple Disease Classification using Machine Learning.
Giorgio Gaviraghi
Air Purification Panel
Universal New Multimedia Language
Marek Gebauer
Axially and Radially Cooled Brake Disc with Cover
Francois Gibon
Turning Car Tail Lights into Proximity Warnings
Liviu Grigorian Giurca
Advanced Reconfigurable VTOL Aircraft - ARVA
Electric/hybrid VTOL Aircraft with Thrust Augmenter
VTOL Aircraft with Standard Fuselage for Reduced Costs
Efficient Winged Personal VTOL aircraft -WIP
Peter Godart
Aluminum Powered Electricity Generation
Sandra Goehner Baake
Advanced Method of Multi-stage Cold Forming of Titanium Opens Up New Perspectives
Robert Goetzman
Lightweight Heat, Fire,and Ballistic Resistant Ammunition Containers
Cold Springs and Solar Ponds as Natural Power Generators
Long Life Aerogel Lighter than Air Persistant Vehicle
Air Drop Bags
Vidit Goyal
Energy Out of Waste
Stephen Griffin
Moses' Corridor for Laser Lithotripsy
Bert Groenewoud
Smart Economic Vacuum Valve
Mark Gummin
Shape Memory Alloy Massage For Seating Surfaces
Anubhav Gupta
Stealth VTOL Aircraft
Manu Gupta
Localized Keyboard for Kids
Smart Gardening and Farming using Sustainable, Cost-effective and Reusable Techniques
Rotables Level Planning for Expensive and Repairable Aircraft Spare Parts
Manu Gupta
SocialCalc on a Stick
Satish Gupta
Handy Water Purifier
Vaishali Gupta
Intelligent Retail
Vikram Kumar Gupta
Reuse Vehicle Light
Localizing Robots in Deep and Expansive Tunnel Network
Inchworm Motion Based Rover
Vithika Gupta
Parking Lot Security
My Checkbook App
Home Alarm Manager
Secure Fest
Expense Tracker
Train Scheduler
Ledger Suite
Secure Call Center
Mehmetayber Gurler
Linear Electric Crank Motor
Mark Guza
WIZEMAT: Personal Barrier Against Infection
Jim Hacsi
Oxygen Supplemented Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition
Nanci Hardwick
Don't melt. MELD.™
John Harrison
Dual Compartment Liquid Tank
Simon Hartley
Hydrogen Electric Utility Vehicle with Active Suspension
Yuhao He
Applying Topology and Lattice Optimization to Reduce Stress Shielding from Hip Implants
Thane Heins
ReGen-X Stepper Motor for EV Regenerative Acceleration
Bi-Toroid Transformer (BiTT) Load Isolation Transformer
Electric Vehicle Regenerative Acceleration
ReGenX Generator for Electric Power Generation
Susan Hess
Meridian® FLEX Camera Testing Platform for Automotive Safety Applications
Jan Hesse
Custom-Made OLED Lighting Design
Patti Hill
SOMAVAC® 100 Sustained Vacuum System
Eric Hinterman
RCS/ICE Soldier Heat Removal System
Marc Hirsch
College and University Tools for the Environment
Ali Hmad
Vehicle Plate Barcode System (VPBS)
David Hojah
Loro: a Smart Companion for Wheelchair Users
Kumaraswamy Hollav
Smart Home By KumaraswamyHollaV
Sam Holliman
Energy Harvesting Vehicle Radiator Fan
Leonard J Holmin
Anti Coriolis Force Centrifuge
Lena Honsberg
ISCAD - Electrical Drive with 0% Rare Earths, 25% Higher Driving Range and 100% Safety
John Hoogstrate
Fast Tool Servo
Sunil S Hosakoti
AEROSTAT Based Hybrid Power Generation
Yu Hsuan Hsu
Lively Car
Power Wave Block
Tzu Chin Huang
Smart Dietitian
Paul Hubbard
Compressive Force Suit
Tony Jacobini
New Ultra High Vacuum Flanges and Viewports
Derjun Jan
RollnCoat: Roll-to-Roll Hybrid Plasma Modular Coating System for High-Performance Thermal Control Films
Jeevan Jathar
Dynamic Diff Lock Mechanism Through Modular Spike Shaft Design for Compact SUV
Diji Jayakaran
Future Communication & Entertainment of Humans by Illuminating Air for Displaying Images by Thinking
Eternal Energy Electric Device
Electromagnetic Cosmetic Therapy - Noninvasive
Kinetic Energy Recovery Wing & Body Design
Trillion Times Faster Processor Using Amplification Technology
Future Transportation by Levitating Humans by Thinking
Leelananda Jayasuriya
The Wind Turbines with Contour Tracer
Scott Jensen
In Situ Performance Monitoring of Piezoelectric Sensors and Accelerometers
Dr Jv Muruga Lal Jeyan
Aerodynamic Design of Flow Measurement Instrument with 12 Pressures Taping Approach for Mach Range of 0.3 to 2.5
Samuel Johnson
ecoSPEARS: Sorbent Polymer Extraction and Remediation System
Sylvia Jung
Eggxellent Plastic
Ramesh K M
Design of Efficient Powertrain System for a Motorsports Race Car Using a Bike Engine
Joseph Kaplun
New Silicon on Isolator Wafer
Youssef Karam
Resistance Energy (Generating Wind Energy Using Flapping Panels)
Anay Karandikar
Home Security using Image Processing
Duane Kaufman
Remote Beehive Monitoring using Low Power Radio (LoRa)
Jeff Kavanaugh
Mulit-Cycle Subsonic / Supersonic / Pulse Detonation Expansion Engine
Megha Keshri
Enabled the Disabled
Sandeep Kumar Keshwapanthula
Regenerative Braking System
Vineet Kiran
Magnetic Field Compression Motor
Andreas Klemm
One-Click Lamp Mounting System
Wanda Klopf
Dental Floss Dispenser With Clip
Alexander Kornich
Active Cooling System (ACS) for Electronics (including Powerful LED Light Engines)
Discrete Power Converter (DPC) as Prime Mover, Powered by Gravity for Renewable Energy Technologies
Deepti Kotwal
Remote Island Monitoring
Electronic Health Record as a Service (EHRs)
Nithin Krishna K B
Piston-chain Arrangement for Internal Combustion Engine
Natarajan Krishnamurthy
John Krishnan Myjak
QuickStick: The Fast and Efficient Manual Transmission
Matthew Krugh
Augmented Associate: Wearable Embedded Sensors for Future Manual Assembly
Steve Kube
Universal Hydroponics
Manish Kumar
Utilisation of Tidal Energy with Fixed Structures and Floating Pontoons
Sachin Kumar
Guided Best Fit of Luggage in the Trunk
Shashi Kumar
The Future of Smart Farming by Ambient Intelligence
Vinay Kumar
After Life
Sleep 'n' Recover
Dinesh Kumar G
Wireless Powered Sail Board
Saurabh Kushwaha
Solar Water & Cooking System
Erick Kusnir
Underground Hydrocarbon Spills & Mars Organic Compounds: Low Cost Mapping by GPR-CSP Method
Iskender Kutlucinar
H2O to H2 and O!
Dmitry Kuznetsov
Personal Shopping Cart that Fits in Your Car’s Trunk
Adrian Laculiceanu
Adaptive Thermal Engine
Adaptive Bike
Alex Langensiepen
Holographic-Fusion via Solar Pumped Lasers
Ellen Langsetmo
Easadeck EAS Alert with Advanced Logic Authentication System
EAS Device Full Absolute Time Same Code Structure
Maria Alejandra Leclerc Tashima
Peter Lee
Stretchable Electronics for Stroke Recovery
Viraj Lele
Autonomous Precision Brain Surgery Robotic Platform End Effector
Alexander Levanduski
High RPM Cylindrical Wind Turbine for Battery Charging
Andreas Leventakis
BlinkEye : Communicate with a Blink of an Eye
Ren Li
Ultra-Low Power Analog-to-Digital Converter with Nano-electromechanical Relays
Yinshi Li
A Sustainable Energy Technology : Generating Electricity and Producing Base
Jung Huang Liao
HiLLo-ORC : Semi-Hermetic Expander Technology for Converting Waste Heat to Electricity
Hwaider Lin
Future Antenna Miniaturization Mechanism: Magnetoelectric Antennas
Luis Gustavo Lira
Heat Retention Solar Oven
Simon Longela
Anti Fouling Bio-Paint
Andy Lorenz
Novel Fixed Flexing Linear Solar Energy Collector
Louis Luedtke
Cell Phone Ticketing Device
Alain Lunati
FuelBOX : Smart and Connected Fuel Quality Sensor
Winston Mackelvie
Comprehensive Heat Recovery and Reuse
Juan R. Malave C.
Medical Check Aboard
Chris Malek
Modular Space Tether
Rishabh Malhotra
Reward Win Bin
Gerald Manfredi
Emergency Shoreline Breakwall
Ariana Manglaviti
Invisible Glass
Petros Maragkos
Solar Power Plant Monitoring, Prediction of Weather Conditions and Power Production with Machine Learning Techniques
Riccardo Marchesi
Seat Pressure Map System
Galuh Mardiansyah
Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Device for Peatlands Areas
Oscar Marin Flores
Direct Conversion of Natural Gas to Dimethyl Ether, an Ultra-Clean Synthetic Diesel for Power Generation in Oil & Gas Rigs
Evgeny Markin
Method of Automatic Target Angle Tracking by Sum-and-Difference Monopulse Radar Under Conditions of Polarization Interference
Vahagn Martirosyan
2-Stroke Oil/Gas Ratio Analyzer
Volodymyr Maslov
A Promising Method for Estimating the Quality of Motor Oil
Dan Mathias
ATOM 1.0 Humanoid Robot Project
Sandra Matos
Wire Coding
Quick Connector
Contact Protection
Cavity Plugs Holder
Jay Mccoy
Gut Microbiota Biopsy Capsule
John Mcintyre
Peristaltic Pump
Ray Mckenzie
RayMac Compressor
James Mcnay
Vehicle Confirmation Security Pad
James Mcnay
Personnel Identification
Joshua Medling
Transparent Armored Building Blocks for a New World View
Aftermarket Super Truck Hybrid Upgrade
Alireza Mehrabi
Set Up Safety Index in Civil Aircraft
Russell Mellon
The Reliable Un-invasive Holographic Instrument (RU HI)
Balance Assessment and Stability Alert Sensor
Pete Melrose
Cloud Healthcare Appliance Real-Time Solution as a Service (CHARTSaaS)
Cory Meyer
Speech to Text Augmented Reality Glasses for Hearing Loss Individuals
Kim Middleton
Negative Dielectric Constant Material
Composite Elastic Skins for Shape-Changing Structures
Tri-Rotor Aircraft Capable of Vertical Takeoff and Landing and Transitioning to Forward Flight
3D Printer Test Station
Aircraft Vertical Takeoff & Landing
Kimberly Middleton
A Durable Redundant Joint to Build Structures from Sections of Composite Sandwich Panel or Shell
Photo-Acoustic Sub Part-Per-Billion Chemical Sensing
Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR)
Clock Synchronization Techniques for Distributed Systems
Luis Alberto Migliorero
Application of the Biefeld Brown Effect using D.R. Buehler Formula
Ionel Mihailescu
High Performance Continuous Internal Combusion Engine
Adam Miklosi
Poizo - Smart Space Heater
Adam Miklosi
Dab - Unobtrusive ECG Holter Patch
John Mitchell
Accessing the Inaccessible using Hovercraft
Advanced Hovercraft....Interim Version
Nitish Mody
Futuristic Sensor Designed to Fight Impregnable Loss and Develop Sustainable Form of Energy to Deal with Human Predicaments
Alireza Mohammadi
X-Limb: The World's Most Usable Prosthetic Hand for Upper-Limb Amputees
Aravind Mohan
Nano Additive Methyl Ester for Emission Reduction in CI Engines
Nikolay Moiseev
Low-cost Advanced Space Suit for Skydiving and Space Jump
Siba Mookherjee
Large Capacity Air Filter for Urban Environmental Improvement
Howard Moskowitz
Reducing Medical Costs by Improving the ‘Heath/Wellness’ Experience using Mind Genomics®
Radu Motisan
Wearable Air Quality Monitor
Smart City Air Quality Monitor
Frederick Moxley
Solution to the Death of Moore’s Law
Nagesh N
Zero Drill : Nut Free Vehicle -- Weight & Cost Reduction with High Performance, Better Functionality
Shideh Naderi
Fiber Optic Augmented Reality System (FOARS) Vividly Displays Strain Measurements
Senthil Ram Nagapillai Durairaj
Emergency Transmission System in a Vehicle
Don Nelson
Super Capacitor Powered Water Leak Isolation System
Patrick Nercessian
Implantable Sensor Technology Platform for Advanced Prosthetic Control
Huong Ngo
THE MIRACLE WALL - The Green Life is Right in Your Home
Dien Nguyen Chi
Two-stroke Rotary Engine (Quasiturbine)
Two-stroke Rotary Engine For Small Applications
Bubba Nicholson
Pheromone Cures Diseases
Harsh Nigam
Nigam's Mechanism: A Regenerative Way of Electricity Production
Karina Novosselova
Non-Animal Approach to Safety Assessment of Cosmetic Products
Painting Made of Egg Shells
Stand for Animal Rights!
Ava Nightlight
Justin Nussbaum
Large Area Projection Sintering, a 3D Printing Technology
John O
Electric Power Cutoff System for Flooded Spaces
Traffic Signal Power Backup System
Solar Powered Heating and Cooking Device
Emergency Gas Shutoff Valve for Ruptured Gas Lines
Misters for Improved Efficiency of Outside HVAC Condenser Units
Ergonomic Water Container And Cart
Timmy Oh
Vara: Revolutionary Firearm Safety
Marta Padasinavik
Design of Waven Headphones
Heath Palmer
A Flying Craft for Everyone
Prakash Pandian
IMAGNO Engine - Hybrid of IC Engine and Magnetic Piston Engine
Sureshchandra Patel
Universal Computer Memory
Robotic Solver of Simultaneous Algebraic Equations
Submerged Under Water Multiprocessor Computing Apparatus with Wireless Interconnect for Communication among its Components
Mayur Patil
Automotive Air Filter to Gain 30-50% More Mileage and Reduce CO and CO2 Emissions by 45%
Suresh Patil
Transparent Conducting Oxide
Rolando Perez
Drunk Driving Prevention
Walt Perko
RoboGuts™ S.T.E.A.M. Education Program
Huong Pham
Hurricane Vanishing Walls
E.Wind Car
Wave Turbine
Wayne Pickette
Solar-Tile-II, for Homes & Vehicles Outputs DC or AC
Jacek Pieczaba
Algae Bloom Reducer
Larry Pope
Resurrected Plane Design Outperforms BWB?
Ilmars Preikss
Solar Cells as Permanent Blinds
Andre Prieur
Air Centrifugation Device
Pooja Priyadarshini
Farm without Climate, Soil and Sun
Karl Prodinger
Solar Controlled Ventilation
Sanjay Puranik
Oil Spillage
Future Roads Design Idea
Himanshu Purswani
Personal Transportation Electric Vehicle
Chidvilas Putta
U-decipher Device for the Speech Impaired
Fabrizio Quesini
Reverse Camera for Parking
Jackie Quinn
Ammonia Recovery System for Wastewater
Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron (EZVI)
Edgar Michael Racho
Easy Peel Deo
Arun Raj
Effect of Performance on Various Piston Profiles
Shree Ramachandran
New Dawn for the Visually Handicapped
Distress Call Generator
E Protector
Alejandro Ramos De La Pena
Twin-Engine Drone
Keychain Generator of Energy
Rajeev Ranadive
Electric Vehicle For Forest Dwellers
Jacob Rand
Elimination of Jack-Knifing of Tractor-Trailers
Mauricio Reck
Hemanth C Reddy
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Borewell Rescue Robot
Firefighting Drone
Joseph Resnick
In-Situ Reproductive DNA Transfection/Sterilization and Biocide Delivery System Method for Eradication of Zebra and Quagga Mu
David Rhodes
The Up! App for Industrial Service
Daryian Rhysing
Remote Monitoring, Diagnostics, and Prognostics for Aircraft
Douglas Richard
Transfer of Reluctance Frequency Multiplier
Carlos Rodriguez
A Concept for a Low-Cost Rapidly Deployable Autonomous Vehicle Support Infrastructure
Allan Rosman
Hybrid Hydraulic Transmission with the Accumulator as the Frame of the Vehicle
Michael Rother
Modular Lawn & Garden Equipment
Robert Rowells
Anti-Bleed Out Device
Waste Heat Recovery for Trucks
Pranav Shankar S
Development of SMA Driven Biomimetic Hand for Cognition and Manipulation of Object Using Sensors & Image Processing
Kumareswaran S Perambur
Power Generation from Hydrogen Fuel (Derived from Water by Electrolysis)
Nargiz Safaraliyeva
Clearer Orbit
Chesta Sagar
Sign Language Interpreter
Sandeep Sagar Gummalla
IR Diabetic Sensor (Non-Invasive)
Mike Saint Jean
INV End to End Digitization
Harjot Singh Saluja
Low Cost Portable Briquette Making Machine
Ryan Sanders
Tangent Drive Mechanism (TM)
Uba Sani Kibiya
Hybrid Solar Dryer
Supratik Sarkar
Peltier Charger
Tomi Saveski
Holistic IoT Interior Climate Control
Adam Schindhelm
Smart Elements
Steve Schulz
Centipede - They Never Fall
Timothy Searfoss
Skin Cancer Treatment
Jerry Semer
Flow Battery Engine
Heat Pipe Engine
Osmosis Power
Shawki Seoud
A Novel Design for Vehicle Engine Mount with Friction Damper
Samkit Shah
Use of Supercharger in 150 CC Engine with Pinion Gear
George Shaiffer
Improved Traffic Flow/Control
Rajiv Sharma
Futuristic Fold-Unfold, Multistorey and Height Adjustment Based Flying Machines
Running on Road, Elevation and Hovering Electric Cars
Mega Wheel Turbine Mounted on Super Structure
Saurabh Sharma
H2N- Human to Nanogrid: Utilization of Human Muscle Power for Producing Electricity
Manoj Sharma And Team
E-Tardigrade Jacket
Jack Sharman
Gaping Wound Band-Aid/Plaster
Frank Siewert
Air Conditioning - Excess Heat Reuse
Josefina Silveyra
Low-cost Vacuum Baffle Based on Thermoelectric Cooling
Anirudh Singh
To Determine the Effect of Dimpled Poppet Valve on the Flow in Engine Cylinder by Port Flow Simulation
Eric Smallwood
Melni Connectors
Karl Smarsch
Drone Concept for the Stratosphere
Danut Sobol
Ultralight Bike
Flying Apparatus With Flexible Shell and Coanda-effect
Utsav Solanki
Astronaut Magnetic Gloves
Astronaut Boots for Space
Dfr Solutions
Sherlock/SOLIDWORKS 3D Integration
Natarajan Somasundaram
Camera-based Light Communication Transceiver
Aditya Soni
eVTOL Foldable Wing Aircraft
Tamanna Sood
Mobile Assistive Application for Visually Impaired
Scott Spearing
Microfluidic Chip Bio Detection/Identification
Perumal Srinivasan
Video Calling with Flying Sensor
Kenneth Steel
Utility Boat for Utility Vehicle
Panagiotis Stefanides
Discrete Geometry Engineering Design Proposal
Daniel Sullivan
Temperature Dependent Snow/Ice Wiper Delay
Marker Light System for Identifying Inexperienced Drivers
Pressure Sensitive Variable Intensity/Hue Forward Brake Light
Kyle Summers
H.E.R.- Uses for Waste Emission Gases
Lalonnie Swagger
Rail Car System
Aron Szucs
Diamond Enriched Lamination Insulation for Electrical Machines
Nivaspandian T
Bore Well Rescue Robot
Ronald Tamol
IC Combustion Enhancement by Ionization for Engine Peripherals i.e. EGR Supply
Joseph Tarsio
In Vitro Cellular Toxicology Instead of Using Animals
Rodrigo Teixeira
Efficient Carbon Capture and Conversion to Materials and Fuel
Debbie Teodorescu
SurgiBox: The Operating Room in a Backpack
Vijayan Thirumalai
Low Water Top Load Washing Machine
Ecopot Planters & Composters
Jeffrey Thorn
Ambient Energy Fueled Mechanical and Electric Power Plant (US Patent 6,938,422)
Bert Thuresson
High-Speed Transportation
Serguei Tikhonenkov
An Internal Combustion Engine with a Rack Gear (Crémaillère) Instead of a Crankshaft. Every Stroke is Combustion
Myron Trenne
Vehicle Energy Transformation - Gas to Electric
Dimitri Tselenchuk
Modular Lab Vessel
Christopher Tucker
Neuronal Therapy Device
Dmytro Vakulenko
New Approach in Diagnostics, Monitoring of Cardio-vascular System by Blood Pressure Monitor
Thomas Valone
Permanent Spiral Magnet Motor
Alexander Vargas Almeida
Self-Sustaining Fast Food Carts
Charles Vijay Varghese
Automatic Neera / Toddy Tapping Device
Kalyani Vaze
Convertible 2 Wheeler
Arvind Subramanian Venkatanarasimhan
Foldable Electric Skateboard as Last Mile Vehicle
Daryl Vittal
Solar Synthesis Solar Mill
Magali Camila Vivas Cuellar
Biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas Oil as an Alternative for Use in Diesel Engines
Dmytro Voitiuk
Virual Glasses - Life Changing Power
Tim Vorage
Smart Lightweighting of Cars with 200kg
Donald Wagner
Water Saving Toilet that uses Average of .5 Gallons and Flushes over 1.33 Pounds
Matthew Waldersen
Wireless Gateway Integrates Wireless Sensors with Existing Aircraft Systems at the ‘Speed of Software’
Li Wang
Culture and Tissue Patch for Organ-on-a-Chip
Yu Wang
Enhance Image Resolution with Nearest Neighbor Deconvolution
Leslie Watkins
Faster Than 911
Rob Wendt
Origami Steel Method
Yu San Weng
Ease the Cough
William William
Cellphone Cameras Using Single Image Sensor
Robert Wright
Displacement Safety System
Donald Yanzick
Shape-changing Dirigible
Donald Yates
Intelligent Prop-less & Rudderless Sub & Surface Craft Drive System
Colin Young
Race-Car Suspension System
Gary Yowell
Vehicle Emission Test Protocols are Overestimating Internal Combustion Vehicle Tailpipe Emissions
Viacheslav Yushchenko
Experimental Cargo-Passenger Catamaran with Three Power Supplies for the Propulsion Unit
Magnetic Suspension on Permanent Magnets
John Zelahy
One Handed Shopping Cart
Improved SUV Lift Gate
Michael Zeldich
Flapping Wings Apparatuses
Vladimir Zenin
Using Weight of a Vehicle as its Driving Force.
Francis Zhang
LTP-Bridge Intersection
Trent Zimmer
Retrofit Offshore Cargo Transfer Concept
Robert Zimmerman
Antimatter Reactor
David Zornes
Flexible-Display Around Any Moving 3D-Shape (Robots) Displays FLAT “Plane” Images
Helix Concentric Tubes Direct Air Under Aircraft For More Lift. Fuselage Is A Glider Without Thrust. Tubes Unroll Flat For Dense Ground/Air Transport.
TIP-PATH Thrust On Rotary Roller Chain Sprocket Circuit: Solar Stirling, Engines, Piezoelectric Wafer or Electric Motor/Gener
BUCKYBALL Sphere Extruded from a Central Point to Buckyball Forming Panels for Wind Power Turbines